Headline Theology

Out of the Closet and Into the Kingdom- Interview with Enrique Ledezma [PG-13]

Enrique Ledezma Season 3 Episode 2

In this culture where people are encouraged to "embrace their sexuality" and "love is love", what happens when God's love changes a person's heart and they leave the LBGT community? In this episode we interview Enrique Ledezma, who spent years in the LGBT culture, lifestyle, and identity, until God led him on a new path. Now he shares that love with anyone who will listen, and even a few who won't!
Whether you're in the LGBT community, you know someone who is, or you're praying through all of this, this interview is a must-listen episode.  We hope you're encouraged and see God's powerful work in his life.

Enrique's Social Media via LinkTree
"For everyone has sinned; we all fall short "
"Restore your brothers" -Jesus
Those who will not inherit the kingdom, but such were some of you

Contact us: info@headlinetheology.com
Social: @HeadlineTheo

Music "Montage" by Lee Rosevere, from FreeMusicArchive.org Licensed under CC BY 2.0

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